Design Your Style

We're here and gladly to help you sculpt a space that mirrors your individuality and resonates with your favorite style, making every corner uniquely yours.

Some Helpful Design Tips for Plan Your Home
1. Understand Your Space

Before diving into furniture selection, take a moment to understand the layout and dimensions of your space. Consider the room's purpose, traffic flow, and architectural features. This understanding will guide you in choosing appropriately sized furniture that complements the natural flow of your home.

  • Measure the dimensions of your room, noting the locations of doors and windows.
  • Create a floor plan to visualize the layout and traffic flow.
  • Identify the focal points in the room and design around them.
2. Define Your Style

Every individual has a unique sense of style. Whether you lean towards minimalism, traditional elegance, or modern chic, identifying your style preferences will streamline your furniture choices. Mix and match styles if you like, but ensure a cohesive theme runs through your selections for a harmonious overall look.

  • Create a mood board with images that resonate with your aesthetic preferences.
  • Take note of specific design elements you consistently gravitate towards.
  • Research different design styles and pinpoint which elements align with your taste.
3. Prioritize Comfort

While style is essential, never compromise on comfort. Your furniture should invite relaxation and provide a sense of ease. Opt for plush sofas, ergonomic chairs, and cozy beds that cater to your comfort needs. Remember, a stylish home is a comfortable home.

  • Test furniture in person whenever possible to assess comfort levels.
  • Consider ergonomic features for sofas, chairs, desks and more, especially for workspaces.
4. Play with Colors and Textures
Inject life and personality into your space by experimenting with colors and textures. Consider the overall color scheme of your room and use furniture to introduce complementary or contrasting tones. Mix materials and textures to add depth and visual interest.
  • Start with a neutral base and add pops of color through accent furniture or accessories.
  • Experiment with different fabric textures for upholstery and curtains.
  • Use a color wheel to identify complementary or contrasting color schemes.
5. Create Focal Points
Every room benefits from a focal point that draws the eye. This could be a statement piece of furniture, an accent wall, or a stunning piece of artwork. Establishing focal points adds character to your space and helps anchor the design.
  • Choose a standout piece of furniture, such as a statement sofa or a unique coffee table.
  • Highlight architectural features, like a fireplace or large window, with strategic furniture placement.
  • Incorporate eye-catching artwork or a gallery wall to draw attention to a specific area.
6. Scale and Proportion Matter
Maintain balance in your design by considering the scale and proportion of your furniture. Avoid overcrowding a room with oversized pieces or making it feel sparse with undersized furniture. A well-balanced arrangement contributes to the overall harmony of your home.
  • Measure your space and furniture dimensions to ensure a proper fit.
  • Mix furniture of varying heights to add visual interest.
  • Group smaller items together to create a balanced composition.
7. Lighting Enhancements
Lighting plays a crucial role in highlighting your furniture and setting the mood. Combine natural and artificial lighting for a well-lit and inviting atmosphere. Consider pendant lights, floor lamps, and task lighting to create layers of illumination.
  • Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a layered effect.
  • Install dimmer switches to adjust lighting levels according to the time of day.
  • Choose statement light fixtures that complement your overall design theme.
8. Personalize with Accessories
Inject your personality into your space with carefully chosen accessories. Decorative cushions, throws, artwork, and plants can transform a room, adding your unique touch to the overall design. Be mindful of clutter, opting for a curated selection that enhances rather than overwhelms.
  • Curate a selection of accessories that hold personal significance.
  • Experiment with different arrangements before settling on a final display.
  • Rotate accessories periodically to refresh the look of your space.
9. Sustainability Matters
Incorporate sustainability into your design ethos by choosing eco-friendly and responsibly sourced furniture. Look for materials with low environmental impact and durable construction, ensuring your choices contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Research furniture brands that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Check for certifications such as FSC or GREENGUARD to ensure responsible sourcing and low emissions.
  • Afurnitek furniture, all products are eco-friendly and sustainabilty, please refer to our sustainability statement: https://afurnitek.com/pages/sustainability
1. Understand Your Space

Before diving into furniture selection, take a moment to understand the layout and dimensions of your space. Consider the room's purpose, traffic flow, and architectural features. This understanding will guide you in choosing appropriately sized furniture that complements the natural flow of your home.

  • Measure the dimensions of your room, noting the locations of doors and windows.
  • Create a floor plan to visualize the layout and traffic flow.
  • Identify the focal points in the room and design around them.
2. Define Your Style

Every individual has a unique sense of style. Whether you lean towards minimalism, traditional elegance, or modern chic, identifying your style preferences will streamline your furniture choices. Mix and match styles if you like, but ensure a cohesive theme runs through your selections for a harmonious overall look.

  • Create a mood board with images that resonate with your aesthetic preferences.
  • Take note of specific design elements you consistently gravitate towards.
  • Research different design styles and pinpoint which elements align with your taste.
3. Prioritize Comfort

While style is essential, never compromise on comfort. Your furniture should invite relaxation and provide a sense of ease. Opt for plush sofas, ergonomic chairs, and cozy beds that cater to your comfort needs. Remember, a stylish home is a comfortable home.

  • Test furniture in person whenever possible to assess comfort levels.
  • Consider ergonomic features for sofas, chairs, desks and more, especially for workspaces.
4. Play with Colors and Textures
Inject life and personality into your space by experimenting with colors and textures. Consider the overall color scheme of your room and use furniture to introduce complementary or contrasting tones. Mix materials and textures to add depth and visual interest.
  • Start with a neutral base and add pops of color through accent furniture or accessories.
  • Experiment with different fabric textures for upholstery and curtains.
  • Use a color wheel to identify complementary or contrasting color schemes.
5. Create Focal Points
Every room benefits from a focal point that draws the eye. This could be a statement piece of furniture, an accent wall, or a stunning piece of artwork. Establishing focal points adds character to your space and helps anchor the design.
  • Choose a standout piece of furniture, such as a statement sofa or a unique coffee table.
  • Highlight architectural features, like a fireplace or large window, with strategic furniture placement.
  • Incorporate eye-catching artwork or a gallery wall to draw attention to a specific area.
6. Scale and Proportion Matter
Maintain balance in your design by considering the scale and proportion of your furniture. Avoid overcrowding a room with oversized pieces or making it feel sparse with undersized furniture. A well-balanced arrangement contributes to the overall harmony of your home.
  • Measure your space and furniture dimensions to ensure a proper fit.
  • Mix furniture of varying heights to add visual interest.
  • Group smaller items together to create a balanced composition.
7. Lighting Enhancements
Lighting plays a crucial role in highlighting your furniture and setting the mood. Combine natural and artificial lighting for a well-lit and inviting atmosphere. Consider pendant lights, floor lamps, and task lighting to create layers of illumination.
  • Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a layered effect.
  • Install dimmer switches to adjust lighting levels according to the time of day.
  • Choose statement light fixtures that complement your overall design theme.
8. Personalize with Accessories
Inject your personality into your space with carefully chosen accessories. Decorative cushions, throws, artwork, and plants can transform a room, adding your unique touch to the overall design. Be mindful of clutter, opting for a curated selection that enhances rather than overwhelms.
  • Curate a selection of accessories that hold personal significance.
  • Experiment with different arrangements before settling on a final display.
  • Rotate accessories periodically to refresh the look of your space.
9. Sustainability Matters
Incorporate sustainability into your design ethos by choosing eco-friendly and responsibly sourced furniture. Look for materials with low environmental impact and durable construction, ensuring your choices contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Research furniture brands that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Check for certifications such as FSC or GREENGUARD to ensure responsible sourcing and low emissions.
  • Afurnitek furniture, all products are eco-friendly and sustainabilty, please refer to our sustainability statement: https://afurnitek.com/pages/sustainability
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Let's work together

Have a design project? We love that, let our team work to help you elevate your space, embrace your style! Make the furniture to matches your personality and lifestyle more easily!

Your Style, Our Passion, Limitless Possibilities

Imagine a canvas waiting to be painted, and your home is that canvas. Let's dream big and design bold. Choose from a myriad of fabrics and a palette of finishes to create an ambiance that resonates with warmth and welcomes you home. Personalize every detail – from statement art to the coziest pillows – until your space is a masterpiece.

Our dedicated Design Team is here to make your dream space happen. Whether it's a single room or your entire living space, indoors or out, let's embark on a journey of limitless possibilities. Your style, our passion – together, we'll curate a home that tells your unique story.

Start A Design Project, Building Your Space

1. Express your vision:

Share the intricacies of your project by detailing your preferences, aspirations, and any existing inspirations. Include photos and descriptions that offer a glimpse into your style and design objectives. This information lays the foundation for a personalized approach to crafting your ideal space.

2. Expert guidance, on the house:

Benefit from our team of design experts who will curate mood boards, propose room plans, and share fabric swatches tailored to your unique project. Engage in collaborative design discussions through convenient channels such as phone calls, emails, or video chats. Our goal is to provide you with free, insightful advice that transforms your vision into a tangible, well-crafted reality.

3. Dedicated support, from start to delivery:

Enjoy the assurance of one-on-one service throughout your design journey. From our initial conversation to the exciting moment your order arrives at your doorstep, our commitment is unwavering. Our team is here to assist you at every turn, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience as you bring your envisioned design to life.